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Become a guest contributor for the Upmetrics blog

We publish helpful, well-researched articles about tips, hacks, ideas and thoughtful approaches to help entrepreneurs on every aspect of planning a business. ​​If you’re an experienced writer, we’d love to hear from you.

Our approach

We strive to elevate the field of business planning by producing high-quality, well-researched, actionable content (no surface-level, keyword-stuffed pieces that waste anyone’s time). Everything we produce is the result of time, effort, and intentionality from subject matter experts with a relentless dedication to quality.

Our audience

The Upmetrics blog is the premier destination for business planners, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and thought leaders—our content reaches 80,000 monthly readers. Our readers want to grow by applying productivity hacks to their routine tasks; they want to really understand business financials, they want to know when to hire more employees, how to make better, more informed decisions, and how to be more productive. And they don’t want to do it via the medium of boring old articles they can find just anywhere.

Traits of a successful Upmetrics article

Technical guidelines

Become a guest contributor

Ready to get started? Fill out this form to start a conversation with our content team.

Content Principles & Style Guidelines

If your outline has been accepted, please adhere to the following editorial guidelines when writing and editing your post:

It is vital that you adhere to the above guidelines. If you do not, we are likely to reject your post.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team will work with you directly on the content, but generally, it takes 4-6 weeks from start to publish.
We do not publish content that is published elsewhere online. All guest posts must be unique.
We will provide the main blog post image, but feel free to include additional design assets.

Email us at editorial@upmetrics.co.